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How do I create a wishlist?
1. Sign in to your account or register
2. Start browsing
3. Add to wishlist
4. Leave comments and prioritise
5. Share with friends and family
Rather than dropping subtle hints and risking disappointment, why not keep track of your most wanted products by creating a Wish List to share with your friends and family?
How do I share a wishlist?
Create your own unique web link to share with friends and family on social media, by email or text
Can I add more than one of the same product?
Yes, as long as you are adding it to a different wishlist or as long as it's a different shade/colour/subsku
Do my friends and family need a account to send me a gift from my wishlist?
Yes, they will need to have an account to be able to send you a gift from your wishlist
*Find out more about our wide range of delivery options.
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